Whether we call something a yoga pose, gymnastics, fitness, or martial arts, at the end of the day, becomes irrelevant. There is so much crossover between the disciples of body movement, sports, artistic expression, and meditative movement. What speaks to me most is the effect it has on my physical being, my psyche, and my clarity of thought. When executed properly, I always get taken back to the moments of competitive sport and how a basic centering with breath was absolutely critical to performing my best on a given day. Moral of the story - when your body and mind move congruently, amazing things can happen, both in practice and what ensues in your life afterwards. Carry on. Move beautifully. Feel good. Be you.
This is essentially a big part of what I teach my students and clients. If you'd like to join me, reach out to me at heedfitness@gmail.com to learn more about my public classes, workshops, retreats, and private coaching sessions. In the meantime, carry on my friends. Move as you were intended to perform, exist, and think beautifully.
Photo: Georgebergphotography